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When You Get Tired Of Being Strong

When we get tired and we reach the limit of their strength and capabilities, you need to let go and give way to tears, if you want. This does not mean that you give up, and even less - you weak-willed. In fact, only a strong man can truly afford to be weak.

Strong People

From time to time it seems that everything is just rests on our shoulders. Every day we feel the responsibility for the family, children, elderly parents, work. But we desperately need some free space for your own emotions, dreams and thoughts. The main thing - keep in mind that we do not necessarily keep yourself in their hands.

You can not always be strong
Perhaps you think that the tears of sorrow will not help, and cry - a sign of weakness. And if there is a lump in the throat, you try not to notice. Believe me, whoever you this once persuaded (even if it were you) - not a very wise man. A few years of such a life - and serious health problems can not be avoided.

  • Installing "I never cry," means that you are no one, and currently including not showing their real feelings and come up with various excuses to explain his depression.
  • If you are at all times pretend that all is well with you, you are not only hidden from the world, but also to turn away from him this.
  • Repressed emotions do not get the output. As a result, they can appear in the form of psychosomatic symptoms: headache, migraine, chronic fatigue, muscle aches, dizziness, problems with digestion.


    People can not always be strong and can not hide their sadness and experiences throughout his life. You have to give vent to their feelings, and this is exactly the case when the tears free from nervous tension and negative emotions. Remember, that:

  • Crying is good for health
  • Tears bring relief, and this is the first step toward change. It now remains to acknowledge our feelings and give them the will, and after - to let go.
  • After the tears we calm down, relax, and can easily evaluate the reality and make decisions.

    No need to keep yourself in the hands, or in the moment, you can simply break.
    No one but you do not know how much strength you have given to achieve what you have now, and what have refused to build happiness for loved ones.
    But to tighten the screws, constantly trying to control their emotions and keep a person can not be otherwise in a crucial moment, you can simply "strip the threads."
    Be prepared for the fact that life is not always pays off handsomely for all their efforts, and that even the closest people, it happens show selfishness. Just remember, whatever you do - it is your free choice. A disappointment are inevitable, because life is life. And when come the sad moments, to keep yourself in the hands is not necessary.

    It is important to know where our limits, because life requires of us as much as we can give.
    The key to success - in the balance sheet. To maintain a sufficient level of energy to work, communicate and enjoy life, will help the following rules:

  • Be strong in the first place is good to treat yourself. Engage in your personal growth, to enjoy moments of solitude desirable, to find time for hobbies.
  • The biggest strength and energy have people who know how to love. Loving all who are in your life, and first of all - yourself. And no, this is not a sign of selfishness.
  • Be strong also it means to let go of things and people that hinder our personal growth that hurt us and hurt the cause to suffer.

    Only a strong man can afford to be weak.
    What do these somewhat pretentious at first sight words? It's simple:

  • You have the right to say, "I give up, it's stronger than me!" You do not have the right to take on more responsibilities than able to perform.
  • You have the right to say: "I can not", if you need a rest or respite.
  • You have the right to demand love, acceptance and support. Close that you give warmth and care, you need to understand that you are waiting for an adequate return.
    And, of course, you have the right to privacy - a private space and time when we can reflect on yourself and your life, cry, be aware of your emotions, make decisions and move forward.
    That this is the life that we all dream: to go its own way with a sense of inner balance and well-being.

    Eat Pray Love

CatLike Dec 7, 2016

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